Home Nursing services in Abu Dhabi and Dubai

In Dubai, Rasilla HHCS has a dedicated and hardworking team of registered home nurses who are highly trained and professional, and committed to providing healthcare services to patients of all age groups. We can provide plethora of nursing services to our patients for 12 hours, 24 hours or even more than that, depending on the his or her needs. In addition to providing a very wide range of home care dubai from physiotherapy to maternal care, we also strongly believe that individuals and their families must get top notch services as it concerns the overall treatment of patient.
We give equivalent therapy at home to that provided in a hospital, but we are more empathetic to the suffering patient and may create a positive link with all of them and their relatives.
Under the supervision of our highly trained and dedicated nurses, we strive to smoothen the recovery and rehabilitation process for our patients. We at Rasilla, provide Home Nursing in Dubai and Home Nursing in Abu Dhabi at a reasonable service fee. In the United Arab Emirates, Risalla HHCS specialises in home nursing care
We have seen in past that patients who get home nursing care are less likely to develop infections than those who receive care in a hospital. Individuals may be more susceptible to infection following the surgery and intensive care in hospitals, although in nursing care and home nursing could indeed help the patient heal more quickly and effectively
In Risalla HHCS, we specialize in providing home nursing care at the premises of patients. Each patient can receive nursing care with Rasilla HHCS, that are tailored to his/her needs. At Risalla HHCS, we believe that patients and their families have a right to be involved in their health care. http://risallanursing.com/
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